Client: Skullcandy
Title: Anti Insanity Earbuds
Format: Activation Campaign/ PR – Stunt
Awards: ADC Young Ones 2022 Shortlist
Date: March 2022
Role: Concept, Art Direction, Design
Agency: Student Work
Credits: Jean Griffith (AD)
Credits: Kim Krüppel (AD)
Credits: Johannes Mazkour (AD)
Creative Direction: Sudarshan Waghmare
Skullcandy is taking unexpected, some would say insane ways to promote their noise canceling earbuds.
People sometimes want just to be left alone, even if they are an open and social person. Unfortunately, sometimes in precisely these moments, we are surrounded by people, for example in public transport.
And especially those situations, when you just want to be alone, but you hear babies crying, it is tight everybody is pushing and shouting, could drive people to become “insane”.
Skullcandy’s noise cancelling earbuds can give you back the control about what you hear by silencing the voices around and in your head. The “Anti Insanity Earbuds” provide the world’s first cure against noise-induced insanity.
Sold are the earbuds in a literal “pill box”, encased in blister packs to emphasize their “medicinal” function, at Trainstation or gerneral busy and loud places. The Point of Sale itself is designed like a padded cell of an Insane asylum, with a lit sign, which invites passerbys to receive their
well needed cure.